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Best online ssc and railways job preparation website in india. Many bank exams either in prelims or mains, consists of questions from current affairs. I had my lic aao interview at mumbai on 280416 10a. In 2012, the capsule had created history by becoming the first commercial spacecraft in space history to deliver cargo to the iss and safely return cargo to earth. These bank exam study material with answers pdf will have clear and detailed solutions for all the questions. It is designed to deliver both people and cargo to orbiting destinations. Daily current affairs will bring you the current happenings nationwide and globally. Quantitative aptitude questions and answers pdf for sbi. You can also download this government welfare schemes capsule as pdf. Bankers adda offers ibps po, sbi, rbi reasoning questions, current affairs, english quiz, general awareness,static gk, gk capsule 2017 and previous year papers. This book is very useful for many other competitive exams like upse, psc, ssc cgl, chsl, delhi police cpo, fci, sbi poclerk, ibps, lic, sidbi etc. Hello aspirants, here we are providing best general knowledge pdf capsule keeping in mind of upcoming competitive exams, which cover some important topics in general awareness section we request you to give us the feedback and missed topics in static gk pdf. It contains datewise pdf, weekly pdf and monthly pdf.
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